We at SVCOP firmly believe that ragging is anti–social and evil and has to be prevented. To see that that the menace of ragging doesn’t proliferate and disturb the learning atmosphere at SVCOP, we have taken the following initiatives.
- The college is planning to conduct sensitizing programs involving the Local Police, Members of the Judiciary and the Members of the civil society. This is in addition to the regular programs organized by the senior faculty members of the institution.
- The college is planning to involve Local Civil Police in the various Committees for Anti- ragging and related activities.
- The institution has constituted a Proctorial Committee consisting of Senior Faculty members and Hostel authorities including Wardens and responsible Senior Students.
The following committees are constituted to prevent ragging.
- Anti – Ragging Committee of Staff Members
- Anti – Ragging Committee of Parents
- Anti – Ragging Committee of Student Members
- Vigilance Committee
- Disciplinary Committee
- The management as a policy decided to implement separate hostel facilities for Freshers and put them under 24 – hrs Private Vigil. In this regards our students have the advantage of having their Vice-Chairman residing in their hostel campus and taking personal interest in their well being.
- The Vigilance Committee will conduct surprise raids on all vulnerable locations to further intensify its fight against ragging.
- All vulnerable locations are identified and staff members are deputed to keep a watch.
- A psychologist will be continuously available for the students for expert counseling with respect to the matters related to ragging.
- To reduce the exposure of Freshers, the college authorities have decided to implement “Stag timings”, where in the classes start and end a bit earlier than the rest of the students.
- Telephone numbers of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Principal and Heads of the Departments are given to 1st Year students so that they can contact them incase of any ragging related happening.
- We are taking appropriate undertakings from the students and parents at the time of Admission/ Registration. We plan to further intensify our effort to see that ragging is completely curbed in our campus and not a single student is troubled in this regard. We are looking forward for your co-operation and valuable suggestions in our fight against ragging.
Mandatory Disclosure ( Anti – Ragging)
1. Name of Institution: Sri Venkateswara College of Pharmacy
2. Address: R V S Nagar, Tirupathi Road, Chittoor Dist – 517127
3. Name and Address of Affiliating University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur ( JNTUA)
Anantapuramu – 515002
4. Name and Address of DTE or any other related state government office: Sri. Laksminarayana, Director of Technical Education
5th Floor, B R K R Govt Offices Complex, Tankbund Road, Hyderabad.
5. Date of constitution of Anti Ragging Committee: Apex Body constituted in Jun 2010.
6. Contact details of in-charge (name, address, phone no., email ID)
Dr. S. K. Sridhar,
Sri Venkateswara College of Pharmacy.
R V S Nagar, Tirupathi Road,
Chittoor – 517127
Ph: 08572 – 245793
Mail Id : principalsvcop@gmail.com
Web Address : www.svcop.in
7. Date of constitution of Anti Ragging Squad: June 2010.
8. Number of surprise raids conducted by squad: Not Applicable. New students have not yet arrived.
S.No. | Name & Designation | Mobile No. | |
1 | Dr. S. K. Sridhar Professor & Principal | Chairman | 7397309967 |
2 | Dr. D. Jothieswari Professor & Vice Principal | Convener | 9989165610 |
3 | Dr. M. Ravi Professor & HOD | Member | 6281033625 |
4 | Mrs. A. Rekha Devi Associate Professor, I-B.Pharm Class I/c | Member | 9502602342 |
5 | Mrs. G. Swapna Assistant Professor, II-B.Pharm Class I/c | Member | 7396906820 |
6 | Dr. M. Ravi Professor, III-B.Pharm Class I/c | Member | 6281033625 |
7 | Ms. C. Sakunthala Assistant Professor, IV-B.Pharm Class I/c | Member | 8008494457 |
8 | Dr. S. Kavitha Associate Professor, I-Pharm.D. Class I/c | Member | 9701449002 |
9 | Mrs. V. Hari Associate Professor, II-Pharm.D. Class I/c | Member | 9182848595 |
10 | Mrs. G. Neelima Associate Professor, III-Pharm.D. Class I/c | Member | 9642452369 |
11 | Dr. C. Manisekhar Assistant Professor, IV-Pharm.D. Class I/c | Member | 7093306295 |
12 | Dr. Shaik Sadam Hussain Assistant Professor, Intern Class I/c | Member | 9966292910 |
13 | Ms. V. Sruthi Tutor | Member | 7382406776 |
14 | Ms. H. Jaya Sree Tutor | Member | 9440748691 |